
加密货币调查| 区块链调查 加密欺诈

Digitpol的专业加密货币调查团队的加密货币调查部门对涉及或利用区块链和加密货币的犯罪进行调查。 Digitpol部署调查技术来发现在区块链上发生的复杂交易。 Digitpol有2个调查加密货币犯罪的团队,分别位于欧洲,荷兰和亚洲香港地区。

Digitpol在区块链上调查钱包盗窃,交易追踪,流氓初始代币发行(ICO),流氓alt代币,流氓交易平台和流氓发行。 Digitpol能够以以下方式监视和跟踪来自比特币,以太坊,波纹,比特币现金,比特币ABC,卡尔达诺,比特币,SV,Litecoin,EOS,Tezos,Stellar,Monero,Dash,Zcash,Dogecoin,ALT和新货币的交易在某些情况下,当资金从区块链中转移出去时,我们可以了解加密货币用户的身份。如果被盗的加密货币在交易所被盗和出售,当被盗的加密货币在官方交易所进行交易时,我们将立即采取行动。


What is Cryptocurrency Investigation?

A Cryptocurrency Investigation is deployed when crypto oriented crime is committed, crypto crime involves a computer, internet, crypto wallets and a crypto exchange. The computer or exchange may have been used in the commission of a crime, or it may be the target. Cryptocurrency crime can be defined as: "Offences that are committed against individuals or exchanges or groups of individuals with a criminal motive to intentionally harm the reputation of the victim or cause reputation, physical or mental harm, or loss, to the victim directly or indirectly, using modern telecommunication networks such as Internet (networks including but not limited to Crypto exchanges, trading bots, wallets, chat rooms, emails, notice boards and groups) and mobile phones (Bluetooth/SMS/MMS)”.

Who Investigates crypto currency crime?

Digitpol's specialized cryptocurrency investigation team investigate crimes that involve or utilize blockchain and cryptocurrencies. Digitpol deploys investigative techniques to undercover complex transactions taken place on the blockchain.  Digitpol has 2 teams that investigate crypto currency crimes, they are located in Europe, The Netherlands and for Asia, Hong Kong.

Digitpol investigates theft of cryptocurrency wallets, tracing of transactions, rogue Initial Coin Offerings (ICO's), rogue alt coins, rogue trading platforms and rogue offerings on the blockchain. Digitpol has the ability to monitor and trace transactions from BitcoinEthereumRippleBitcoin CashBitcoin ABCCardanoBitcoin, SVLitecoinEOSTezosStellarMoneroDashZcashDogecoin, ALT and new currencies, in some cases when funds are transferred off the blockchain, we can undercover the identity of users of crypto currencies.