WiFi Signal Analysis
Digitpol's Wi-Fi Signal Analysis probe is a tool developed to detect Wi-Fi snooping, payload injection, rogue devices, and Wi-Fi spying in seconds. The probe works on-location and sends the data to an AI-based database for analysis, which then alerts CSOs and CIOs. It has prevented thousands of hacking attempts on business networks and spying on installed devices. The probe sends data to a cloud server for analysis, enabling investigators to view data remotely.
Digitpol's digital forensic researchers have recently detailed new types of Wi-Fi attacks that they discovered while investigating large data leaks that occurred on the WPA2 security standard. The attacks allowed hackers to crack Wi-Fi passwords on business-grade routers, regardless of how strong the passwords were set. In each case, Digitpol discovered that rogue Wi-Fi devices were nearby to conduct interception.
Wi-Fi attacks are more common on business networks than personal ones and have been discovered in major investigations. Digitpol's Wi-Fi experts are certain Wi-Fi and IoT over-the-air attacks will rise. Digitpol's team is conducting Wi-Fi audits for businesses across Europe, which includes auditing details such as the number of connected devices on a network, Wi-Fi traffic, approved Wi-Fi devices, security flaws, unauthorized devices, and instant upgrades. The audits have so far discovered out-of-date firmware allowing remote control, hijacked routers, modified firmware, many connected unauthorized devices, and active interception.
Hidden Wi-Fi networks are a significant issue inside commercial organizations and governments. Recently, Digitpol identified over 18 hidden networks at one location using its Signal Analysis Probe. Wi-Fi base stations can hide or cloak their identities, and these base stations are identified in the probe.