Android Forensics

Android forensics is a branch of mobile device forensics relating to recovery of digital evidence or data from an android operating system under forensically sound conditions. The phrase mobile device usually refers to mobile phones; however, it can also relate to any digital device that has both internal memory and communication ability, including PDA devices, GPS devices and tablet computers.

Mobile phones are proven to be valuable sources of information in the majority of investigations. Parties in litigation seeking to prove wrongdoing often find important evidence, clues and traces by analysing activities stored on cell phones and smart devices, including contacts and their creation dates as well as when and how often certain phone numbers were called.

Recover Data From Android Phones

What Data is Recoverable 

  •  SMS | IM Chat | WhatsApp | Viber | Skype | Wechat | IRC | Deleted
  • Call history | Incoming | Outgoing | Missed | Deleted
  • EMAILs | Incoming | Outgoing | Drafts | Deleted
  • GPS locations | Waypoints | GEO tagging of pictures
  • Photos | Sent | Received | Deleted
  • Social Network logs | Activity Time | GEO Login | Deleted
  • Internet History | History | Entered Keywords | Searches | Deleted | Cookies
  • Wifi Data | SSID | MAC | I.P
  • Bluetooth | Paired devices | Timestamp