Public - Private Relations
Since 2020, our primary focus has been on combating organized vehicle crime through collaborative efforts with police, insurance companies, and our team at Digitpol. Our mission is to provide operational support to ongoing investigations, offering additional resources as needed. We engage in Public-Private cooperation with law enforcement agencies, leveraging our specialization in investigation and forensics to gather real-time information and deep insights into criminal modus operandi. Sharing this data with law enforcement enhances our collective efforts in fighting crime. DIGITPOL has partnered with Stichting Verzekeringsbureau Voertuigcriminaliteit VBV to assist in all national cases involving stolen vehicles.
Digitpol provides Intelligence, On-the-spot forensic support such as mobile phone forensics, digital forensics, computer forensics, specialized searches and operational support.
Digitpol is a licensed and accredited investigation agency specializing in operational support and investigative services to fight against transnational crimes. We have worked together with Law Enforcement agencies, local governments to assist with expertise and technical support since 2013.
What does VbV do?
VbV represents the interests of non-life insurers, insured parties, leasing companies and rental companies that are disadvantaged by vehicle and vessel-related crime.
DIGITPOL - VBV Partnership:
VbV links the public-private world and works closely with its partners in the fight against vehicle crime. Vehicle crime is an international phenomenon, which is why VbV also represents the collective interests of non-life insurers and other rights holders internationally.
Article 2: The Missing Car Register (VAR)
Since 1993, Stichting VbV has registered missing and stolen vehicles reported by the owner/holder in this register. VAR registration takes place for the private dimension of combating vehicle crime, namely the recovery and delivery of the vehicle. This is a free service, even if there is no theft coverage. Vehicle (status) information in the VAR register is provided to the National Police, the RDW and to the relevant insurer or owner of the vehicle (leasing company/rental company).
Article 3: Declaration and theft report to the VbV foundation
Missing notification
3.1. In the event of theft of a car, motorcycle, trailer or caravan, a report can only be made by telephone via the police's Stolen Vehicle Reporting Desk (AGV) (088 00 87 444). AGV is part of the National Vehicle Crime Intelligence and Expertise Center (LIV) – a partnership between the police, RDW and VbV. The vehicle is then immediately registered as stolen. After the telephone report, the Stolen Vehicle Reporting Desk immediately sends a confirmation email of the report with a link to the VbV questionnaire. Stolen mopeds, mopeds and scooters can only be reported via the VbV website (
3.2. If a theft and missing signal has been placed and the vehicle is found, the reporter must report this discovery as soon as possible, also via telephone number 055-7410001.
3.3. By making the (digital) report, the VbV Foundation is authorized to retrieve and deliver the vehicle and - if there is a perpetrator - to take recourse against this perpetrator on behalf of the injured party.
3.4. If there is a report in the context of the Stolen Vehicle Reporting Process, a Special Investigation Officer (BOA) then processes the information provided into a report in the police registration system, after which the theft signal A87 is placed. If a moped, moped or scooter is missing, the declarant must report it to the police himself (via ).