Cyber Security Monitoring and Response

Digitpol offers Cyber Security Monitoring and Response, managed I.T services and the technology to provide total protection to networks by monitoring threats 24/7 and responding to incidents. Digitpol's Security Operations Center is a 24/7 managed IT security service, which allows for business operations to continue and for the ultimate in our clients cyber security status. A cyber threat and security management framework is a necessity for today's cyber prevention, detection and response.

Cyber Security Monitoring and Response or Information security monitoring are automated controls that an organisation needs to implement to ensure that it is sensibly protecting the confidentiality, availability, and integrity of its IT assets from threats and vulnerabilities such as hacking, intrusions, malware, theft, phishing and the detection and defense of hacking.

Digitpol's extensive expertise in cyber security and cyber crime is gained by global investigation on real-life cyber attacks. Digitpol's Cyber Crime Unit operates globally and by knowledge of new refined attacks and understanding the design of attacks and the modus operandi, we are able to offer 24/7 Cyber Threat Management and Cyber Security.

24/7 SOC

Security Operations Center

The DIGITPOL SOC is your fully operational security conscience and piece of mind. Our experienced and certified security analysts monitor your cybersecurity status 24/7.

Endpoint Security

Laptops, Smartphones, Tablets

Your business runs on Endpoints and they vital for any organization. Virus scanners are no longer the bulletproof solution. We focus on detection, prevention, threat mitigation and real time management of cyber security.


Fully Managed

In every business Firewalls are the first line of defense within a network and are vital for security. When you are on-board with Digitpol, we will install a state-of-the-art NextGen firewall on site and manage it through our Security Operations Center.

Patch Management

Fully Managed

Patches are separate from cyber security, they can incur in all forms of apps and code, these patches are vital for security as an unpatched application can lead to a major hacking incident. We will monitor your apps and ensure software up-to-date with our patch management service.

Prevent Data Leaks

Avoid data breaches and other cyber attacks that can drive down the value of your business rapidly and lead to major reputation damage. eg, Verizon bought Yahoo at $350 million less than its original price because of its data breaches.

Detect Hacking

What is the chance that a hacker is on your network and will misuse your systems? Early detection will avoid a major incident. Our Security Audit will ensure that all endpoints are checked for traces of hackers or hacking attempts, past or present.

Testing + Response

Know your weaknesses, where your data and assets are located, is your ICT easy to hack and gain access and extract data? We will check the effectiveness of your security solutions, and the readiness of your organization to defend. We will identify every security flaw.

Automated Detection and Response

Advanced detection of malicious activities through security threat hunting and monitoring significantly reduce days to response, and rapid incident analysis and response significantly lessons security breach costs.

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