Car Check Netherlands
How to check a car from the Netherlands?
Are you buying a car from The Netherlands? We provide services to check cars out on the spot before you buy. Our inspection is a physical inspection check carried out at the car. On the location, we look into all aspects of the vehicle such as the service history, identity of the vehicle, the paperwork, the vehicles paint, condition and specifically the KM reading, we have extensive methods to check if the KM reading is correct. We read out the vehicles diagnostic history and check if there are any faults present or historic. We conduct checks on used cars, used machines, used plant machines, used motorbikes, used boats and any registered vehicle. Cars from Holland are attractive due to the low KM and low prices and everything is offered online, if you'r a buyer from outside the Netherlands we advise you have a check before you pay for the vehicle.
We are able to offer this service due to years of experience in technical inspections and detecting stolen vehicles.
What do we check ?
- Is the car dealer a genuine business
- We visit the vehicle and make a physical inspection of it at the location
- We check the paper work of the vehicle
- We examine the service history
- We check the Engine number, VIN, gearbox number
- We perform a diagnostic check to discover all the faults, historic faults, KM reading and understand the vehicles health status
- We perform a check on the vehicles identity to determine if it is stolen
- We check the KM reading to determine if it is correct.
- We take it for a test drive.
During the process we keep you updated and we send you all the details. When you order this service we will take contact with you by app so we can send you information quickly such as photos of the car and so on.
Digitpol's Vehicle Experts provide on-site inspection and a report for vehicles been sold from the Netherlands or Holland. Our service is aimed to assist buyers and is of great help for anyone who wishes to purchase a second-hand vehicle from the Netherlands. The check of Dutch Cars allows for the total physical inspection and to check the vehicle history and verify its current mileage. We conduct checks on the service history and the vehicles papers to determine if they are authentic or fraudulent.
The Costs:
Depending on the type of vehicle and the location the costs range from 50 Euro to 500 Euro. Contact us in advanced for a quote.